Tee Inspector In-Depth Review: Should You Buy It?

Tee Inspector Indepth Review – Should You Buy!

Update 2016: Please note that Teeinspector software no longer works as expected. At the time I wrote this review (2 years ago) Teeinspector was a great research tool, however, after Teespring updates the software can no longer pull up enough data to work as promised. I’ve contacted Dave (the product developer) and here’s what he said:

Hi Andrew,

To be honest, the software doesn’t work as well as it did when I initially launched it, because Teespring.com doesn’t show the number of sales on a lot of their shirt campaign pages. I have tried my best to provide ways for people to see designs, but there is nothing I can do about the sales number unless I owned Teespring.

but the software still provides shirt campaigns you can research and it’s easier than just searching around google and search engines. I am continually trying to keep it up to date and working the best I can, and will continue to support the software. thanks for your awesome support and have a great day.

cheers, Dave

Since my goal is to provide you with my honest review and experience, I wanted to make it clear that some features may no longer work in Teeinspector however, you can still use it as a campaigns research tool and the training videos you will get with the software are still valuable.

I have bought Tee inspector myself and on this review, I will explain exactly what Tee inspector is all about, what you will get inside the member’s area and what you should expect from that product. I will also explain to you why you should consider selling t-shirts online and how the process of making money by selling t-shirts online works! so you can understand everything you need to know. Sounds cool, Let’s get started

What is Tee Inspector?

Tee inspectorTee Inspector is an online training course + a software bundle by Dave Guindon (a software developer and an online entrepreneur). The whole idea behind Tee inspector training is to teach you how to make money by selling a T-shirt online.

Inside Tee inspector, Dave shows you in his videos step-by-step everything from how to design your own shirts, how to uncover best selling shirts campaigns, and how to select a niche for your shirt designs to how to send traffic to your shirts and start making money, and scale up your profits.

Dave also provides a Tee inspector software which can easily research and analyze data to uncover the best selling shirts in any niche within few minutes. Tee inspector software can collect data from different sources and it really saves you a lot of time doing your research manually.

Research is the 1st key for a successful shirt campaign, and the Tee inspector software makes it very easy to analyze all the necessary data to ensure that your shirts will have a high demand and will sell fast. Besides the training videos & modules, Dave has also put some tutorial videos on how to use Tee inspector software so you can get the most out of it. Watch this video to see what exactly you will get:


 How Does It Work?

Tee inspector will show you how you can easily & effectively sell t-shirts online using Teespring.com

What is Teespring? Teespring is a website for designing shirts online, it allows you to design and sell custom apparel online, you design the shirts then sell them for profit. The best of all is that they will handle all the shirt printing, orders, shipping, and customer support. You only design the shirts and you get paid for each shirt you sell.

How Much Money You Can Make Selling T-shirts on Teespring?

There are many people who are earning between $1000 and $30,000 extra per month on Teespring. Anyone can start designing shirts with no upfront costs or advanced skills. If you learn how to research your niche and how to drive traffic to your t-shirts, you can expect to make a lot of money in a very short period of time; that’s what Teeinspector is all about and that’s why I have purchased it myself.

Should You Consider Selling T-shirts Online? as an entrepreneur, I am always looking for new ways to make money online, and I recommend you do that too, as it’s always smart to discover new streams of income rather than depending on a single money stream.

Selling t-shirts online is one of the easiest things you can do these days. T-shirt design is not as complicated as it seems to be, in fact, you can come up with many great designs just by using the free Teespring online designer, keep in mind that your shirts can use text or images or a combination of both, Teespring provides over 10,000 clip arts which allow you to design good looking shirts in few minutes.

Also inside Tee inspector, Dave take you by hand and show you step-by-step how to create your own t-shirt designs from scratch. If you want to create more fancy designs and styles you will like what Dave teaches inside Teeinspector.

Does Tee Inspector Training Only Work For Teespring?

No, Tee inspector training shows you everything you need to know in order to successfully design and sell t-shirts on Teespring, However you can apply the same principles and techniques to sell t-shirts anywhere else. Teespring is the easiest and most popular, but if you’d like you can also post your shirts on other similar sites.

What You Will Get Inside Tee inspector:

Tee inspector members areaTee inspector consists of 7 modules (Tee Marketing System) + Teeinspector software + Teeprofit spy + Tee Contest WordPress Plugin:

Module 1: Research (11 videos)

In this module, Dave takes you through several different methods for selecting profitable niches to design t-shirts in, as well as a quick-start introduction to Teespring.

  1. What is Teespring
  2. Selecting a niche
  3. Searching shirt retail sites
  4. Researching tees using data sites
  5. Searching on Twitter
  6. Ninja Google Searches
  7. Checking niche audiences on Facebook
  8. Researching with Tee Inspector
  9. Facebook trends
  10. Using Facebook interest
  11. Multiple methods

Module 2: Tee Designs (10 videos)

In this module, Dave takes you through the process of researching, designing, and creating ads for 3 separate design examples. He also explains how to avoid trademarks, copyright issues and where you can find more information online.

  1. Trademarks & Copyrights
  2. Design Example 1: Research in “aircraft pilot” niche
  3. Design a shirt in “pilot” niche from scratch using Photoshop
  4. Design image ads for that shirt design
  5. Design Example 2: Research in “NHL” niche
  6. Design a shirt in “NHL” niche from scratch using Photoshop
  7. Design image ads for that shirt design
  8. Design Example 3: Research in “fishing” niche
  9. Design a shirt in “fishing” niche from scratch using Photoshop
  10. Design image ads for that shirt design

Module 3: Teespring Campaigns (4 videos)

In this module, Dave will take you through the process of creating a full Teespring campaign using one of the design examples from Module 2.

  1. Setting up a Teespring Campaign
  2. Add a Bitly tracking pixel
  3. Inserting the Facebook conversion tracking code
  4. Creating a retargeting custom audience for the campaign

Module 4: Facebook Ads (6 videos)

In this module, Dave shows you how to create a fan page, how to set up Facebook ads using the ads manager and Power editor, and how to analyze the results.

  1. Setting up a Fanpage
  2. Posting Ads
  3. Creating an using the ad manager
  4. Creating an using the Power Editor
  5. Analyzing the results
  6. Teespring Analytics

Module 5: Bulk Shirt Case Study (11 videos)

In this module, you will learn how Dave made $721.70 in Overall Profit in 7 days. You will watch the full process of creating 10 shirt campaigns in the NHL niche for 2 separate designs applied to 5 NHL teams. You get to see how to properly list campaigns to spot the winners and close down the losers.

  1. Introduction & getting started
  2. Bi-Directional Traffic Leach Method
  3. Fan pages & Posts
  4. Facebook Ads using Power editor
  5. First Results
  6. More Results
  7. New Blackhawks Design
  8. Rep Response & More Results
  9. Analyze More Results
  10. New Ad Campaign
  11. FINAL Results ( $721.70 Overall Profit! )

Module 6: Case Studies (8 videos)

In this module, Dave goes through several previous successful Teespring campaigns he has created that earned thousands in profits overall.

  1. Teespring Proof of Sales
  2. Case Study #1 – Selling With Fan pages
  3. Case Study #2 – Girl Loves Labrador
  4. Case Study #3 – Girl Loves the Broncos
  5. Case Study #4 – Nurse Loves the Broncos
  6. Case Study #5 – Pink Nurse
  7. Case Study #6 – Seahawks Superbowl Design
  8. Case Study #7 – Respect the Chief

Module 7: Tips and Tricks (6 videos)

In this module, Dave included several miscellaneous videos showing lots of very useful tips & tricks he has learned over the years as well as stuff that he learned from selling on Teespring. (Some good stuff)

  1. Teespring Messaging Tool
  2. Trick to increase shirt sales using Ad Comments
  3. How to make an animated Gifs
  4. How to get fast traffic from Facebook ads
  5. How to avoid getting your image ads disapproved
  6. How to make text follow a path or curve in Photoshop.

Tee inspector Software

Tee inspector software that will make your life easier researching T-Shirt niches and designs. The software comes with 8 tutorial videos that walk you through each of the features.

Tee profit Spy

This is another great research spy tool that reveals daily sales for all best-selling Teespring campaigns. You will get Tee profit spy as a free bonus inside Tee inspector members area.

TeeContest WordPress Plugin

This WordPress plugin will help you create viral t-shirt contests from your blog sites, another cool free bonus with Tee inspector.

Course Downloads

1. Case Study Materials

This download package contains all the source photoshop graphic-files and associated files shown throughout the Tee Marketing System training videos. Plus, a few designs. Dave also included the Facebook ad source files that were created in the case studies.

2. Personal Fonts Package

This download package contains all the fonts collected for the t-shirt designs. This package can be installed easily on any PC or Mac.

Tee Inspector Price discount:

Tee inspector regular price is $67, however, you can get it for just $47 through this link.


I went through all Tee inspector training videos, and in my opinion, it’s a great course that will really help you start designing & selling t-shirts online fast and much more effective. The videos are easy to follow and you will understand the whole process of making money with Teespring inside that course. Without Tee inspector training, you will spend a lot of time trying to figure out everything on your own, and you may design t-shirts that will never sell, or t-shirts with trademarks issues without even noticing it.

Remember, the key for successful t-shirts campaigns is research, by using Tee inspector software you can easily reveal many gold niches to tap into. And by following the training videos you will definitely eliminate a lot of the how-to headache and increase your sales.

For these reasons, I highly recommend you check Tee inspector and if you didn’t like it you can always get a 100% refund for your money, so don’t be afraid to try and take action now.

Additionally, if you don’t want to use Photoshop to create your Teespring Ads, you can use this Easy Tool to create highly converting Ads.


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9 thoughts on “Tee Inspector Indepth Review – Should You Buy!”

  1. can I buy with my credit card without paypal? I’ve spent 3 hours on international call talking to call reps in Philippines who cancelled my account so I can’t use it.

    Also $37 discount from $97 would be $60 not $67

    1. Hey Hector,

      Yes, you can pay with your debit/credit card through Paypal. You don’t have to create or use a Paypal account, here’s how:

      1) On the checkout page, just enter your email at Step#1 and for Step#2 enter your email again (it doesn’t have to be your Paypal email)

      2) Check the box that says: “Check the box to use Credit Card through PayPal” and click the button that says: “Checkout with Paypal”

      3) On the next screen, select the 2nd option “Pay with a credit or debit card”, and uncheck the box that says: “Save this information with a PayPal account”

      4) Done, after payment your receipt and your access link will be sent to your email that you’ve entered on checkout page. You should be able to buy it without having to deal with Paypal.

      Let me know if you have problems. By the way i just edited the discounted price, thank you for letting me know about that 😉


    1. That’s right Ed,

      Unfortunately no, Teeisnpector is no longer working as of 2016. It can no longer pull the data from Teepspring. I’ve contacted the product developer and i added his reply to this post so everyone can see it.

  2. Hey i want software for extract,generate email address from facebook group.there have any software for me?or tee-inspector still work?
    just ping me-


    Thank you.

    1. Hey Raj,

      I haven’t seen or used any software that extracts email addresses from facebook groups. I also don’t think it’s a good idea to collect people’s email addresses without their permission, i’m sure Facebook won’t allow that either.

      No, Teeinspector doesn’t work anymore, i have updated this post accordingly as of 2016.

      Wish you all the best.

  3. Hi Andrew! Just noticed that Teeinspector isn’t working with Teespring’s new features. I was quite interested in purchasing it, but since it doesn’t show the total sales, and some other missing points, I don’t know if worth buying. You mentioned TeeGrasp as an alternative. Do you consider it as complete as TeeInspector? Have ever tried? Any reviews?

    1. Hello Rafael,

      Thank you for your comment.
      Yes, Teeinspector does not work well with Teepsring new updates. I don’t recommend you buy it if you are looking for a complete research tool.
      I haven’t tried Teegrasp myself yet, but i think it looks promising out-of-the-box. It’s pretty similar to Teeinspector interms of the features and the data being collected. Teegrasp can:

      – Search Profitable t-shirts ideas
      – Spy on Competition
      – Collect Data & Compare Niches
      – Send Email Alerts of Competition

      They also have a free google chrome extension, and their free plan comes with unlimited searches so you can try it out for yourself. However inorder to view all data or to use all the features, you’ll have to signup with any of their monthly plans, unlike Teeinspector which is a one-time payment. Also, Teegrasp doesn’t come with training on Facebook ads, T-shirt designs, Teespring campaigns and case studies, which was something that i really liked about Teeinspector.

      Let me know what’s your decision. If you decided to try Teegrasp, let us know how was your experience.

      Best, Andrew

  4. Hi Andrew,

    I’m very interested in this course using your discount link, but i would know if modules are at least updated. Can i enjoy this course today in 2017? Would you know any better course?

    Thank you. Wish you all the best.

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