How to Spy on WordPress Sites and Detect Their Themes & Plugins

How To Spy On WordPress Sites, Detect Their Wp Themes & Plugins?

detect wordpress themes and pluginsAccording to Forbes, WordPress powers one of every 6 websites on the Internet, nearly 60 million websites with 100,000 more popping up each day. WordPress has become the most popular and free blogging platform.

What if I told you that you can Spy on any WordPress site online! Yes, you can easily detect the wp theme and some of the plugins used on the site. Wouldn’t that be cool?

Why is that important? If you saw a website with a great design and features, by knowing the theme and plugins used by that site, you can easily find & purchase the same theme to change the look of your website, you may also find a new great plugin that you will need to install on your site to add cool features to your website or change its performance. You can also spy on the other competing sites in your niche and monitor what they are doing.

On this page I will show you some easy ways to spy on WordPress sites, I will also show you more tools to detect the scripts/software used on any website in case it is not a WordPress based website.

1. Simple WordPress Detecting Tools

Watch this video, for my 3 WordPress site detecting tools:

Tools mentioned in the video:,, and Spy bar (My favorite tool)

“Wp theme detector” and “what wp theme is that” are two free websites that allow you to simply enter the URL for the website, and they will pull the information from the theme’s stylesheet. Wp Spybar will also do the same thing but it’s an add-on for firefox and google chrome.

Additionally, WordPress sniffer and ScanWp are free Google Chrome extensions that you can install, and they will detect theme being used on the current site for sites running on WordPress. Another free website for checking wp themes is

Note: The above tools will show you some of the plugins (Not All plugins) used on a site, the reason why is that is because these tools pull the information from the site’s page source or theme stylesheet, so for each given site you can detect some of the plugins installed, however, there is no tool yet that can detect every single plugin installed on a given site.

2. Manual Way For Detecting WordPress Themes And Plugins on sites

If you don’t want to use any of these tools, and you want to dig deeper in the websites manually, you can easily do that by viewing the source code for the WordPress site your visiting. Here’s how:

A) Open the website in your internet browser, I recommend using firefox or google chrome

B) Right-click anywhere on the page and choose the “view page source” option

C) A new window will open with the page source, to easily find the wp-content theme and plugins, we will use the find option. Click CTRL+F to open the find box. If you’re using Firefox, on the top menu select “Edit” then “Find”.

D) In the find box that shows up, type “WP-Content/themes” without quotes to search for the WordPress theme.

E) You will see that some text is now highlighted, now look for the word next to the WP-Content/themes, it will be the WordPress theme name. For example: if you saw WP-Content/themes/Abc, then “Abc” is the name of the theme.

wordpress page source example

F) To find the WordPress plugins, type “WP-content/Plugins” without quotes in the find box, and look for each word shown next to the “WP-content/Plugins” in the highlighted text. “Click highlight All” and that will show you all the plugins.

3. More Website Scripts/Software Detecting Tools

What if a website is Not using WordPress?!  If the website is not a WordPress based, then you can identify the software or CMS (content management system) used on it by installing any of the following add-ons or extensions on your internet browser.

For Google Chrome: Appspector (Chrome Sniffer) is an extension for detecting web framework/ CMS and javascript libraries run on a website.

For Firefox: Wappalyzer is an add-on that will do the same job identifying software on any website.

All the tools and websites mentioned above are just ways to help you discover more themes, plugins or even a new CMS to help you improve your website, and get the desired look and functionality you deserve.

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