If you came across iWriter.com, and you are thinking about writing or requesting articles! You will find the answers on this review, as I will share with you exactly what iWriter is all about, how it works, and if it really worth your time and money.
I will also share with you my in-depth experience as an iWriter client after ordering articles and what you should expect in terms of article quality & price.
Related: You May also want to check my Hirewriters review |
What is iWriter?
iWriter is an online article writing service where you join as a client to order content to be written for you (articles, re-written articles, ebook or kindle ebook). You can also use iWriter as a writer to write articles for other people and make money for each article you write.
As a client: You can order unique articles, article rewrites or even ebooks for relatively low prices. You also have an option to submit each of your articles (after they have been written) to a blog network of websites of Page Rank ranging from 0 to 3, this is meant to increase your website backlinks & rankings. (In my opinion, this is not necessary, I will talk more about that below)
As a writer: You can choose from the different article writing jobs available on iWriter, and make money writing articles for other people. You choose the payment frequency: weekly, bi-weekly ..etc. The money goes directly to your Paypal account.
How Much Money Can You Make with iWriter?
The amount of money you make will be dependent on things like your overall writing points (rating), the article words length and how many articles you can write in a given day/week or month ..etc.
Additionally, iWriter clients can choose to tip you if they like your articles.
Iwriter starts at $1.25 per article and there are 4 skill levels for writers which correspond to a higher payment per article.
To get an estimate of how much you can earn, take a look at this article pricing table:
Writer’s Skill Level | 150 words | 300 words | 400 words | 500 words | 700 words | 1000 words | 2000 words |
Basic: new writers with no ratings | $1.25 | $2.00 | $2.50 | $3.00 | $5.00 | $7.50 | $14.00 |
Premium: 4.1 to 5-star writers | $2.75 | $4.50 | $5.00 | $5.50 | $7.15 | $10.50 | $30.00 |
Elite: 4.6 to 5-star writers | $4.25 | $7.00 | $8.50 | $10.00 | $12.50 | $18.50 | $40.00 |
Elite Plus: 4.85 to 5-star | $10.00 | $18.00 | $22.50 | $30.00 | $37.50 | $55.50 | $110.00 |
*The Net writer’s earning per article is about 81% of the total article prices listed above.
What to Expect as a writer? As a new writer with iWriter, don’t expect to make much money as it will probably take you some time to start collecting points and move up in rank. (According to iWriter, you will need to write 30 articles with a star rating of 4 or above in order for you to get into the next level which increases your payment per article) this may not be a problem for you if you are a skilled writer or if you enjoy writing.
You will find plenty of new articles requested every day but there are already thousands of other writers who are willing to write on these projects before you do, so it’s a matter of (first come first write) concept. As a new writer, you should try to focus on building your Rank, not making money. In other words, try to go after easy article projects that can help you increase your rank and prove yourself as a skilled writer, instead of searching for the highest paying projects. Once you started to get some good feedback, more people will trust you, and your rank and payments will increase gradually.
Although I haven’t been a writer on iWriter myself, I have worked with many writers who were doing their best to catch up with any of my new projects. (I explain more about my experience with contacting writers in iWriter features below)
My iWriter Experience (As a Client):
I have been using iWriter as a client to order articles for my blogs. At the time I’m writing this review, I have already ordered 15 articles as shown on my iWriter’s Dashboard:
All the articles I have ordered were (500-1000 words) from premium writers only (4.1 to 5-star writers), as I wanted to filter out newcomers (Basic level writers) and eliminate as much as junk articles without having to waste a lot of time on reviewing articles.
Articles Quality:
So far I have not denied any article, I only requested a revision once for one of my requested articles, and after the writer has taken the necessary actions to fix the article, I accepted it so my acceptance rate yet is 100%.
Writers are very willing to work on your articles and follow your instructions (you just need to clarify things as much as possible for a better outcome). Writers are also willing to fix or change anything you don’t like in the article. You don’t pay them unless you are satisfied with their work. (i explain more in iWriter features below)
Articles Pricing:
iWriter has one of the cheapest article pricing I have seen so far (starting at only $1.25 for 150 words), while most people may think that “You get what you pay for”. I must say that I have already ordered really good articles using iWriter, and I consider it to be a great place to get content especially for new bloggers or those who are on a low budget. Also, iWriter has many features that allow you “as a client” to take control and reveal many skilled writers who can work for your business, so it all boils down to how you use iWriter. Here are some tips on how I find skilled writers for my business using iWriter.
How To Find Skilled Writers on iWriter?
1) Filter out Writers: when you submit your article projects on iWriter, the 1st thing you should do is to filter out r pickup those writers who are right for your projects. As I mentioned earlier, iWriter rates each writer on a scale from (0 to 5), I recommend you submit your article projects to at least the premium level writers, this way you will save time reviewing & eliminate the chance of getting junk articles. Premium writers are serious writers who have written a minimum of 30 articles with at least 4.1 stars.
2) Include Special Instructions: iWriter allows you to add special instructions to each project you submit, make sure you fill this area with your detailed instructions, the more details the better chance of getting exactly what you want the first time. Arrange your instructions into few points, but don’t add too many instructions as this will discourage most of the writers to work on your projects. This video explains more about how to properly request content:
3) Add writers to your favorites list: each time you liked the work of a specific writer, add him/her to your favorite list. Over time, you will have a list of the best writers who you love working with, which you can easily submit articles to only them over and over again without having to submit your projects to new random writers.
By implementing those 3 simple steps, not only you will find many skilled writers on iWriter, but you can easily build a team of loyal skilled writers who are already familiar with your projects and what you want.
Now, you know how to use iWriter, let’s dive into all the features you will get.
iWriter Features:
1. Easily Order/write content
iWriter has one simple clean design for both writers and clients. Once you create your account with iWriter, you can use that same account to write or order content, no need to register separate accounts. You will find hundreds of available project under the (write content) tab, you can also order content in few seconds by clicking on the (get content) tab, and filling out your article instructions.
2. Load Previous project data
When you create a new project, this option allows you to load all the data (article title, purpose, special instructions..etc) with one click, this is a very helpful feature. Especially if you want to submit similar projects several times or to different writers Instead of having to write all the text over and over again. This option allows you to load all the data from any project you have created earlier saving you a bunch of time.
3. Flexible Article Prices
iWriter has the cheapest article pricing compared to any other writing service I have tried before (starting at only $1.25 for 150 words) this is great for new bloggers and those who want to get quality content for the lowest price possible.
Set Your Own Prices: This feature allows you to easily set your own price when ordering articles, of course, you can’t go below the minimum rates but this gives you more flexibility to manage your budget and to set custom prices for your favorite writers.
4. Add Writers To Your Favorites List:
As I mentioned earlier, this feature allows you to add any writer to your favorite writer’s list, so you can order you future articles from a specific group of highly skilled writers of your choice. (Very powerful feature)
5. Messaging Between Writers and Clients
The iWriter messaging system allows a better communication between you and your writers, while this serves me as a client to contact my writers, I can see that it’s one of the best features for writers as well, especially the new writers who like to promote their work or get new projects assigned for them.
I remember that after I had submitted some article projects for my favorite writers, I found messages coming to my iWriter inbox from different writers who were offering their writing service, that’s why I was saying earlier that I Writer has tons of writers who are willing to take up any project. Here are some examples of msgs I have received:
6. Only Pay For Good Articles:
When an article is written for you, you will get notified by iWriter and you will have 72 hours (3 days) to manually review the article (approve or reject or request a rewrite). If you do not review an article within 72 hours, it will be automatically approved, and you will be charged for it. If you reject, your article will be placed back into the queue of writers for someone else to write. You will never have to pay for an article you do not like.
7. Submit Articles To A Link Network
After you approve an article, iWriter gives you an option to submit your article to a link network of websites that have Page Rank of 1 to 3, basically for building backlinks. It costs $5 to submit your article to 100 websites, $10 for 250 websites or $20 for 500 websites.
I don’t think this is necessary as I personally don’t recommend focusing too much on building backlinks or playing the SEO game with Google, however you may want to try using this service if you know what you are doing.
8. Download Article With Spin Tags
You have the option with iWriter to download your articles with spin tags. You may find this helpful if you are a big fan of rewriting articles and creating different variations of your article (spun articles). Articles with spin tags can easily be rewritten especially if used in article rewriting software like the best spinner or magic article rewriter.
9. Upload Articles To Your WP Blog
With iWriter you can download your articles or upload them directly to your WordPress blog, you only need to input the blog details, and enable the XML-RPC option on your blog.
My Conclusion:
From a perspective of the client, iWriter is a great choice for anyone looking for quality articles at a low price. iWriter is a popular writing service with more than 250,000 writers from all over the world, so you just need to spend less time to learn how to find skilled writers who are right for your business (as I explained earlier).
With time, you will cultivate a list of favorite writers, and you will be able to easily build a team of highly targeted writers who are willing to work for you over & over again. Best of all, those writers will become more familiar with your projects which means less review time & headache for you on the long term.
I’m continuing to order more articles on a regular basis and I’m overall satisfied with their service. I recommend you give it a shot. Signup free for an iWriter account.
Leave a comment Below, and let me know what do you think about iWriter?
I have been wondering whether I should start writing for iwriter, so finding an up to date review from a client has been helpful. It looks as if there is a clearer progression route for those who produce the articles than on Zemandi. My only concern would be if there is enough work for beginners so they can progress.
Even a briĺliant writer has to begin somewhere. If people like yourself only use higher level writers then it could be hard to begin.
Hello Jacky,
Thank you for your comment, i’m glad you found this helpful.
I do agree with you that every brilliant writer has to start somewhere, i have ordered articles from beginners in the past, some where good .. some where bad. I found a better experience ordering from premium writers (writers who have written atleast 30 articles) .. this is just my strategy of filtering writers but ofcourse every client is different… I’m sure there are many clients who are looking for the cheapest articles they can get, so they are only ordering from beginners.
So don’t let this discourage you. If you like writing, i encourage you give it a try, it will take you sometime but later you will have a better rank and you will be able to make more money.
You may also want to consider writing for hirewriters: https://andrewrezk.com/hire-writers-review
Wish you the Best Luck,
My Review….
Been using them for years, then my email address was changed without notifying my old email address. After that “someone” ordered an articular in the “fashion” category with the title “Husband wanted to return after a year away with boyfriend” for $28.00.
Kinda sad that this would happen. I’ve reported this activity, now my account on iwriter and the account on the support site is deleted.
No communication about this from the site, other than an auto responder message saying that they got my request for support.
If there is any change I’ll let you know.
Hey Steve,
Thank you for sharing your review, it’s really sad when something like that happen specially to an old account like yours. Unfortunately, things like that happen on all kinds of websites.
iwriter support should monitor accounts with such activity and protects their users. Hope you will hear back from their support soon.
Feel free to post any updates. Wish you good luck
and you have to pay more for keywords…
This is very sad. You would ask someone to write an article for you for pennies. Then you pat yourselves on the back that you are helping new writers get a foot in the door. There are other sites that pay better that will help them all they need. I have been in iWriter. Nasty and cheap people who are insulting and rude to the writers, making them rewrite over and over for a dollar. And if the client makes a mistake about what he wants written…he can say, “my mistake” and start over at the writer’s expense. I actually tried iWriter thinking, I could move up quickly…a client ordered four articles. I wrote three of them. They were very good articles as I was a manager in the very industry he requested articles about. I took extra time to make sure they were perfectly written. All for $3.75 total. Then he said he made a mistake and that was not what he wanted and canceled the orders…after he had seen my work…and I got paid nothing for my work and knowledge.
Shame on anyone who would take advantage of people like this.
Hey Pam Hunter,
Thanks for sharing your experience using iWriter. I absolutely agree with you, writing articles take time, effort and knowledge. It’s a shame on anyone to take advantage of writers’ time and effort. I must say that as a client myself, i have made many mistakes before while requesting articles from writers, and i have not realized those mistakes until the articles have been written and ready for my review. But guess what, i have paid for them, because simply it was not the writer’s mistake, it was my mistake … I know some people are greedy and they only care about what they get. I wish you will find more responsible clients who can value your time and work.
Best luck,
I am a new writer on iwriter and I intend to improve my skills in navigating this platform.My question is,how do I edit my work for spelling and grammar before I submit it. Then how am I supposed to go about the ‘key word density’?
I will appreciate any help.
Vey interesting article i was brought here by my friends at authorityhacker.com im new to the blogesphere market with this type of articles more of us would become more productive when it comes to blogging and knowing how to publish content keep up the good work Andrew.
Thanks Efrain, i appreciate you taking time to visit my blog 🙂
Planning to write articles for iwriter clients and my concern is whether i can write articles without getting topics/heading from the clients,that is,topic of my own,
Hello,how much time the writer could take to write or rewrite the article? You know if you want to write about trending topics for example you have to act fast because what’s hot today probably won’t be as hot tomorrow!
Iwriter is not that bad especailly after you scale the heights. However, at the standard level, things aint that good at all. When i started off as a standard writer, i could make up to $70 weekly. That tells you that i was working really hard given their standard rates. I am an elite writer today and I am enjoying working with Iwriter.
When I first started with iWriter, things were great. Every other week I reached cashout with no problem; even got some repeat buyers. Not sure what happened, but after a while it started to become difficult locating good clients to write for.
Not the high rejection kind but the kind that post an article to be written but have someone in particular in mind but don’t mention it anywhere in the post yet alone making it so that only that person sees it. Wrote articles recently but they got rejected. Reasons? 99% stated they were meant for someone else (no mention of this anywhere) and 1% said they didn’t like it but posted it on their site anyway word for word.
Things aren’t what they used to be on the site which puts a lot of sellers in a bad way. Yes there are jobs posted constantly but a grand majority are for selected sellers that have been tagged in the post and no one else.
Hey Andrew! May you please tell me why I can’t message a writer? Do I need to put first money in my account and make an order and then message someone? I would like to message a writer first and then make an order. Is this possible?
Hey Benedictatu, thank you for checking my review.
That’s weird. You should be able to message any writer before making an order. Here’s a screenshot of my account:
Once I click the message icon for any writer it works fine. I do have some money in my balance but I don’t think you should add money. I’d contact their support to see the reason for that. Please keep us updated by commenting here once you figure out the reason.
Best of luck,
I want to order content written for me on iWriter and i want a specific writer to pick it,how do i ensure that only that writer does?
Hey David,
It is actually pretty simple, when you order a new content there is an option to submit project to specific writer/s. You can start typing writer’s name to select one or more writers as shown. Hope that helps.

In May 2019, the pending payment in the account which was $77.70 has changed to $0
It is now showing
Next PayPal Payment: $0.00.00
Customer support is also not replying
Is anyone else facing the same problem
if you are a beginner (standard level) you should be very careful with the projects you accept. There are many BAD QUALITY “buyers” at the platform.
they don’t give information at their requests (tone, use of the article, audience target, what kind of writing they want – formal-informal- etc) BUT they reject for not following the guides they did not give.
AND YOU CANNOT RATE these CLIENTS in order to inform the other writers…
Others want ELITE writers but post their request at standard (to be cheaper) and then they reject your article if you are not at the elite level!!!!!
others are struggling with English but they reject your article because of bad grammar (they probably mean that the article has not the grammatical errors they use)
thus, don’t look at a client’s rating (it has occurred only from the projects accepted) – look at the reject level and at the information given **** send message to clients for guides (if the message system works)
Good tips. Thanks for sharing your feedback Maria 🙂