Unbiased SEOProfiler Review – Best SEO Online Tool?

SEOProfiler Review – Is It The Best SEO Online Tool?

If you are looking for an in-depth SEOProfiler review, you are on the right page. I have used the SEOProfiler Smart (Agency) plan, and this review takes you behind the scenes and shows you exactly what you get. I’ll break down all the features/tools available in the SEOprofiler members area and show you the Pros and Cons so that you can decide for yourself if SEOprofiler is right for you!!

seo profiler review

On this page, you will also find answers to these questions:

  • Do you really need an SEO Online Tool?
  • What are the most important SEO metrics for improving rankings?
  • Is SEO Profiler Worth the money?

Before I dive into SEO profiler and show you all the things you can do with it. Let’s start with why you should consider using a tool for search engine optimization!

Note: You can try SEOProfiler FREE for one week plus, get a discount of 33% (equals four months for free) Click here to learn more.

Do you really need an SEO Online Tool?

While you don’t have to use SEO tools to rank your website on the search engines. There are still different use cases and benefits for having such tools in your hands, in fact using a good SEO tool can help you save a lot of time & manual work. Here are a few reasons why you should consider using a search engine optimization tool:

1) Saving time: Generally, tools are faster than humans, and when it comes to SEO specifically you can’t do all the work manually. Not only you will spend weeks collecting data, but your data won’t be as accurate as an SEO tool, and I will tell you why next.

2) SEO tools provide accurate/valuable data: Let’s say you want to analyze the backlinks of your competitors, you simply won’t be able to easily uncover all the links yourself, so you need some sort of a tool to help you crawl the web, find all links and pull up the data for you. SEO tools have their own database, algorithms, and web crawlers that crawl the web just like what Google does, that’s how they can provide you with such valuable info., while their data & insights might not be the exact same as Google, it’s still very close and it’s definitely worth it.

In fact, SEO tools can go beyond that, they can show you data that is not available to the public such as Keywords your competitors are trying to rank for, their Ads copies, their Ad budget, their Organic rankings, Traffic sources and so much more.

3) Organize/Sort/Export data: SEO tools allow you to analyze, view, sort and organize your data fast and easily. You can also export data or create PDF reports for your own use or for your clients.

4) Improving your site’s SEO structure: Tools like SEOprofiler has many built-in features (as I’m about to explain below) that allow you to eliminate errors from your pages, suggest the right keywords, track your ranking, analyze your competition, monitor your site uptime & so much more, these are very important SEO metrics that will help improve SEO structure of your site.

5 Most Important SEO metrics For a Better SEO ranking

Here are the most important SEO metrics you should consider, especially when looking for a complete (all-in-one) SEO tool:

  • Website Audit: find and fix on-site issues and errors to improve your site’s SEO optimization.
  • Keyword Research: find the right keywords for SEO rankings and/or PPC campaigns. (this is crucial, and it’s no secret why there are so many keyword research tools out there)
  • Keyword rankings: check your top-ranked keywords and pages (monitor the position of your pages on Google, Bing, and Yahoo)
  • Organic Competition Analysis: find who is ranking for the same keywords you are trying to rank for, see competitors’ best keywords, discover new organic competitors, and observe their changes.
  • Backlinks Analysis: find who is linking to your site, analyze the backlinks of your competitors and uncover more backlinks opportunities.

Other SEO metrics include website loading speed, page size, and performance testing, for which you can use any free website testing tool such as GTmetrix, Pingdom, or Google page speed insights.

However, when it comes to the 5 most important SEO metrics mentioned above, I recommend using a premium SEO tool. Some tools focus on just one SEO metric, for example, keyword research while other tools provide a complete set of SEO features to help keep your website on the top of search engines, one popular example is SEOProfiler as I’m about to explain. With that being said let’s dive into SEOprofiler and show you what it is all about.

SEOProfiler Review

  • Ease of use
  • Website audit tool
  • Content analysis
  • Position tracking
  • Backlink audit
  • Backlink analysis
  • Brand monitoring
  • Desktop SEO tools
  • Keyword suggestion tool
  • Keyword optimization tools
  • Automated keyword suggestions
  • Domain research tool
  • Link Manager
  • Content gap analysis
  • Ranking opportunities and Ranking alerts
  • Link suggestions
  • Data export features
  • Link Influencer tool
  • Link opportunities
  • Mobile SEO tools
  • Top 10 web page optimizer
  • Readability checker
  • Rich results creator
  • WDF keyword analyzer
  • Server uptime monitor
  • On-page SEO checker
  • Indexability checker
  • Local SEO tools
  • SEO reports (web-based and PDF)
  • Customer Support
  • Price / Value


SEOProfiler is a powerful web-based platform designed to assist website owners and digital marketing professionals in achieving higher search engine rankings. It provides a range of tools and features which can be utilized to analyze, optimize, and monitor websites in order to ensure successful search engine optimization outcomes. The platform includes keyword research tools, competitive analysis tools, on-page optimization tools, website audit reports, backlink management functionalities, social media performance tracking capabilities, ranking monitoring options, and more.


SEOProfiler Alternatives

Before you proceed to read my SEOProfiler review, please note that SEOProfiler is not currently available! The best alternative is SEMRush which is the favorite tool for most SEO specialists. However, If you want a cheaper alternative, you can try SERanking which offers similar SEO features and accurate data for less pricing compared to SEMrush.

What is SEOProfiler?

SEOProfiler is an SEO online tool that helps business owners get higher rankings on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The team behind SEOProfiler is a group of passionate internet marketers and SEO professionals who have been developing internet marketing tools since 1997. They are known for the popular SEO software tool iBusinessPromoter (IBP).

SEOProfiler provides a complete set of SEO tools to help you improve your website SEO profile including Ranking Monitor, Website Audit, Link Profiler, Link Building, Ranking Profiler, Adwords Profiler, Page Optimization, Keyword research, Web analytics, Uptime Monitor & more.

As mentioned on their website, they guarantee that with SEOprofiler you get safe SEO tools that follow Google’s search engine optimization guidelines. These are White-hat tools intended to help you optimize your website for search engines, increase your organic traffic and grow your business.

No black hat SEO methods or outdated techniques. In fact, they are always updating their tools and adding improvements to help your site get the best SEO ranking and Optimization.

what you can do with SEOprofiler

SEOProfiler Overview:

When you log into the member’s area you will notice how everything is well-organized and laid out. To get started you need to add a new project and enter your website URL, then SEOProfiler will start analyzing your website and collect data. You will be able to view this data anytime under that project. To add more websites, you simply add new projects, which helps you keep your websites and data organized.

For every project you create, SEOProfiler will start analyzing and tracking that project URL, the next time you open the project you will see some nice stats and a summary of your website analysis for example:

SEOprofiler project dashboard stats
  • Visibility Score: indicates how well your website is ranked on search engines for the keywords that you entered in the Ranking Monitor (more on that below). A visibility score of 100% means that you have first-place rankings on all three search engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo) for all of your keywords.
  • Website Audit Statistics: showing the total number of checked pages, the number of errors and warnings found on your pages, and the date on which the website audit was last performed.
  • Backlink Statistics: showing the active number of backlinks to your website within the last 90 days, the influence score for those links (based on their quality), and the number of links that you build in the link manager tool (more on that below)
  • Ranking Statistics: showing the average position and number of search engine rankings for your website on Google, Bing and Yahoo combined. As well as the number of keywords for which the rankings of your website are checked on search engines. You can track more keywords in the ranking monitor tool (more on that below)
  • Uptime Monitor: showing how many of your websites are online, offline, or paused. You can schedule automatic uptime monitoring for any page, view the response time, the last check & more using the Uptime monitor tool.

How to promote your website Step-by-step

In addition to the dashboard stats, you will also see a section with “12 easy-to-follow steps” for optimizing your website for search engines and attracting more organic traffic. Each step is linked directly to the “tool” you should be using inside SEOProfiler in order to complete that step. There is also a “Read more” button for each step which takes you to the user manual inside SEOProfiler to learn more about that specific tool.

How to promote your website step by step SEOProfiler

These steps simplify the SEO process and are very helpful, especially for beginners, not only do they outline what you need to do but they also provide you with the tools to complete each step inside SEOProfiler so you don’t feel lost.

Now, let’s take a look at each feature inside SEOProfiler and see where is the MAGIC!

SEOProfiler Features:

Here’s a breakdown of each tool inside SEOProfiler. Keep in mind that I’m using SEOProfiler Agency (smart) plan. (more on the different plans & pricing below)

1) Website audit tool

Having a regular website audit of your website is important, it helps you understand the different types of issues that could be affecting your website performance, optimization, and ranking.

The website audit tool in SEOProfiler automatically runs a weekly website audit to uncover the recent errors on your pages and provide you with tips on how to solve them, allowing you to maintain a high quality of your website and helping you get the best possible rankings on the search engines.

Running a website audit should be your first step towards SEO optimization as some errors can have a negative influence on your website rankings. For instance, the website audit tool on SEOprofiler will provide you with detailed audit results showing you all kinds of errors affecting your site, which are classified as follows:

Errors (Marked in RED color): These are the errors that can have a negative influence on the search engine rankings of your website and can harm your business, therefore you should first start working on fixing those red errors before moving on to other things on your website audit)

  • Broken links
  • Server errors
  • Timeout errors
  • Empty titles
  • Duplicate titles

Warnings (Marked in ORANGE color): These warnings help you ensure that your web pages get the best possible rankings. You should fix these warnings once you are done with fixing the errors mentioned above.

  • Duplicate pages
  • Duplicate content
  • WWW & Non-WWW
  • No text content
  • Little text content
  • No bot allowed
  • Bot blocked
  • Click depth
  • Temporary redirects
  • Too many links
  • Meta Description empty
  • Meta Description short
  • Meta Description long
  • Meta Description wasted
  • Meta Refresh
  • Duplicate canonical
  • Duplicate meta tag
  • Page too big
  • Title too short
  • Title too long
  • Title wasted
  • Title tag twice
  • URL invalid
  • URL too dynamic
  • URL too long
SEOprofiler website warnings

Notices (Marked in BLUE color): These notices show things you should consider improving, however they are not critical as errors or warnings

  • Anchor text wasted
  • H1 tag keyword
  • H1 tag empty
  • H1 tag missing
  • H1 tag wasted
  • Image problems
  • Meta Robots None
  • Meta No-follow
  • Meta No Index
  • Meta No snippet
  • Permanent redirect (301)
  • Other redirects (303)
  • Temporary redirects (307)
  • Links to 403
  • Redirect the same URL
  • Upper case URLs
  • Canonical URL used
SEOprofiler website Notices

Misspellings (Marked in PINK color): SEOProfiler audit tool will also check all the web pages on your site for misspellings.

SEOProfiler uses spell-check dictionaries to check the words on all of your pages but they do this intelligently. If some unknown words such as company/brand/product names are found to appear on many pages, then these won’t be listed as potential spelling mistakes. Smart ha! ????

SEOprofiler Website Misspellings

Another cool thing is that you can adjust the spell-check settings and add up to two dictionaries in almost any language. You can enter some words into the ignore list, these are words that should not be flagged as spelling mistakes.

For English, you can select English (USA), English (Australia), English (Canada), English (Great Britain), English (New Zealand), or English (South Africa) dictionary.

How to Fix Errors, Warnings, and Notices?

The process of fixing errors, warnings, or notices in SEOprofiler is pretty simple, all you need to do is simply click on the “Details” tab and you will see a breakdown of that error or warning with clear “To-Do” steps to Fix it.

Here is an example of a page that has some warnings and notices. As you can see, SEOprofiler gives a clear description of each problem found on that page and it tells you what you need to do in order to fix each of them. You don’t need to be an SEO expert to understand these instructions!

SEOprofiler Fixing website errors, warnings, and notices

The Website Audit section in SEOProfiler is packed with many useful features. In fact, everything is very clear and well-organized.

  • Website Audit - SEOprofilerOverview: here you will see an overview of your website audit with how many pages have been analyzed along with the number of errors, warnings, notices, and misspellings that your website has.
  • Checked files: here you can use filters to find pages, images, or any other file type such as CSS, PDF, etc. These filters are very well-organized and will help you find files with particular errors very fast. You can filter by issue (error, warning, notice, or misspelling), file type, URL having HTTP/HTTPS, Indexed, Robots.txt, URL containing a certain word, Title containing a certain word, meta description containing a certain word, and much more!
  • Content Topics: It will show you the words that appear most often on the pages of your website. Why this is helpful? The most popular words on your website help search engines to understand what the website is about and the words that are used in link texts can also be an indicator of the topic of the website. Pages that have the most amount of words (keyword stuffing) are called “thick content” while pages that have the least amount of words are called “thin content”

    In this section, SEOprofiler does a great job in identifying both “thick content” and “thin content” as well as showing you the most anchor texts in internal and external links so you work on improving your content and avoid getting penalized by search engines. When Google rolled out a Panda update back in 2011, many websites have been penalized for using thin content.
  • Duplicate content: If the same content appears on different pages of the same site, it is difficult for search engines to find the page that is most relevant. In this section, SEOprofiler will show you all the duplicate pages, paragraphs, titles, and meta descriptions on your website so you can keep duplicate content to a minimum.
  • Links to Internal Pages: here you will see the internal links statistics for your website and how easy it is to reach the individual pages. You will see the most linked pages, most linked internal images, and most linked subdomains (if any)
  • Links to External Pages: here you will see all the external domains that are linked to your website. When you link to an external domain very often search engines will think that there is a relationship between your website and that external domain. SEOprofiler will show you a list of all the externally linked domains along with the percentage of your pages that link to these external domains.
  • Performance: Google recommends that web pages should not take longer than three seconds to load. Fast pages can be indexed more quickly, and fast pages are good for the user experience. The great thing about this section is that SEOprofiler will give you an overview of the fastest and slowest pages on your website. You will easily detect if there are any slow pages as well as detect the file size of these pages. This saves you a ton of time as you don’t have to test the speed of each of your web pages manually.
  • Security: here you will see a summary of your server security along with an explanation of each security issue that needs your attention. For example, your website may need protection from XSS attacks. Having that summary will help you configure your server settings and improve your security
  • Structured Data: Structured data markup helps search engines to organize and display information from your website in creative ways. For example, recipes and products can have their own format on Google’s result pages.SEOprofiler has a Rich Results Creator tool that helps you to create JSON-LD structured data markup code that you can include on your web pages. That code will be used for ‘rich results’ on Google’s search results pages and it will improve the look of your website in Google’s search results.
  • Technologies: that means any tags, tracking codes, icons, or if you are using any technology that is affecting the pages of your website. For example, SEOprofiler will detect Google Adsense, Google Analytics, Google Site Verification tags, Google Tag Manager, Apple Touch Icons, Windows Tile Icons, and Favicon link tags. Additionally, you will see if any of your pages are AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) pages.
  • Indexability: This page shows the indexability of the pages on your website. You will see a graph showing the number of pages that can be indexed correctly on Google and other search engines. Additionally, you will see all the important indexability factors including canonical links, page redirects, broken pages, server errors, broken images, blocked by robots.txt, and blocked by Meta No index tag.
  • Devices: This page shows how your website is displayed on different devices (desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones).
  • Robots.txt: The robots.txt file enables you to tell search engines which pages of your website should not be indexed. Under this page, you will find some useful information about your robots.txt file. It will detect the robots.txt file of your website and will show you some examples of how you can allow or disallow search engine robots from accessing some of your website files or directories. Additionally, you will get a “robots.txt creator tool” to help you exclude files or directories from search engines the easy way. If you want the search engines to index all of your files then you don’t need to worry about that.
  • Sitemap: Sitemaps ensure that Google and other search engines know about all of the pages on your website, including pages that may not be discoverable by their normal crawling process. SEOprofiler will automatically create such a sitemap for you and will provide you with a link to download it. Then, you can upload the sitemap file to your server and add a line with the text “Sitemap: sitemap_url” to the robots.txt file of your website (replace sitemap_url with the actual URL of the sitemap file).
  • Export: SEOprofiler can export and download the audit data in case you prefer to work on this data in other applications; such as Google Docs or Microsoft Excel. If you want to create client reports, you can easily do that as well inside SEOprofiler (more on that below).
  • Audit Settings: here you can control your audit report settings and choose whether you want to receive email notifications when a new audit report is available. These audits are generated automatically for your website every week
  • PDF Report: If you’d like to create reports for your boss or clients, you can easily select the contents of the report and customize it so that it matches your company design. Additionally, if you want to give your clients full access to the audit results, you can use the web-based reports inside SEOprofiler which allows you to create separate login data and a login page for your clients to view their reports.

SEOprofiler provides extensive tools for analyzing the backlinks for any website. The first thing you will see here is an overview of your backlink profile.

SEOprofiler - Website backlinks profile
  • Unique Links: the number of unique links from other websites that point to your website.
  • Links to home page: the number of links that point to your homepage.
  • Dofollow & Nofollow links: the number of Dofollow & Nofollow links and their overall percentage.
  • Link Influence Score (LIS): This is calculated based on the number of links that point to your website and their quality. The higher the quality of the links, the higher the Link Influence Score. It ranges from 0 to 100%. A low LIS does not necessarily mean that the backlink is bad.

In this example, the website that I’m testing has a lot of do-follow links and a few follow links which is good. It’s always recommended to have both types of links as they look natural to the search engines. The Link Influence Score for this website is 97% as shown in the above screenshot which means that it has a great backlink profile.

SEOprofiler makes it very easy to filter down all the backlinks and sort them however you wish. Notice the link below the filters that says “How to get new links with this tool“. It will take you to their help guide and it will walk you step-by-step through how to use this Backlink tool to work with competitors’ links and new backlinks for your website. Really powerful, I like how SEOprofiler organizes the tools and how they walk you step-by-step through how to use each tool, unlike other SEO platforms that seem overwhelming. 😉

SEOprofiler - Website backlinks filter

SEOprofiler will show you a list of all the backlinks to your website along with the Link Influence Score (LIS) for each one. You can quickly analyze the backlinks to any page you see on the list by simply clicking on them. SEOprofiler will then show you the backlinks to that page so you can run a deep backlinks analysis for your website and for any page that is linking to you. And of course, you can run backlinks analysis for your competitors.

As an example, let’s take a look at the backlinks of the domain Example.com
SEOprofiler has found 1,876,230 links for that domain name. For each link, it shows you the anchor text, image link (if any), link type, and link destination. There are two small checkmark icons on the right side next to each backlink. The first checkmark will show you the date when this backlink was first found by SEOprofiler crawlers, and the second checkmark will show the date when the backlink was last seen. So if you have acquired any new backlinks recently, and if you have lost any of your existing backlinks. SEOProfiler updates the link database regularly and it’s pretty accurate.

SEOprofiler - Link Profiler

If your website has many unnatural links the chances are you may be at a high risk of getting penalized by Google. The Link Disinfection tool in SEOprofiler makes it easy to find any suspicious or unnatural links that point to your website and it also helps you in getting rid of them. The Link Disinfection tool does that by allowing you to save these links to a list, then you can use the ContactFinder feature in SEOprofiler to get the contact information of these linking sites, then you can contact the webmaster of these sites and ask them to remove the link to your page.

Some webmasters won’t remove the spammy links to your website. In addition, many spam websites don’t have any contact information at all. In that case, you will need to create a disavow link file and submit it to Google. And again, the Link Disinfection tool in SEOprofiler can create the disavow links file for you and help you submit that file which informs Google about the links that you don’t want. You will find step-by-step instructions on how to do that in the help & instructions of SEOprofiler.

Link Disinfection tool - SEOprofiler

Here are some of the suspicious links found for Example.com
The Link Disinfection tool has found 186,771 suspicious links as shown below

The Link Disinfection tool is one of the many useful tools packed under the Analyze Links section in SEOprofiler. Here is an overview of the other tools that you will get:

  • Analyze links - SEOprofiler
    Anchor texts:
    this tool shows a list of the most popular anchor texts used to link to your website. It will also show the number of unique links with this anchor text as well as the percentage of links to your website that use the anchor text.
  • Pages: these are the pages with the most unique links. SEOprofiler will show you the number of different websites that link to each page and the percentage of links that point to each individual page.
  • Domains: these are the root domains that link most often to your website, and it will show you the share percentage of links from each root domain compared to the total number of links that point to your website.
  • Industries: this will categorize all the websites that link to your website according to the industry. You will see a list of the top industries, the number of websites in each industry, and their share.
  • Link Contexts: this will show a list of the links pointing to your website with their contexts (Blog, event, news, review ..etc). The link context refers to the topic of the individual links that point to your website. The context of a link is calculated based on the words that appear in the anchor text, the title of the linking web page, and the content of the linking web page.
  • Countries: this will filter down all your website backlinks by country and show their top-level domain (.COM, .ORG, .NET, .EDU, .DE, .PL, …etc)
  • LIS Distribution: this will show the link influence sores of the linking sites. The LIS (Link Influence Score) is a trust value that shows the influence of a linking page on your search engine rankings. A link from a website with a high LIS has a higher influence on the rankings of a website than a link from a website with a low LIS.
  • Subdomains: this will show the link data for your subdomains (in case you have any)
  • Link Age: this will organize your website backlinks by the year they were added so for instance you will see the number of backlinks acquired this year vs any year in the past along with a nice graph.
  • Export Backlinks: if you wish, you can download your website backlinks (up to 200,000 links per website), and the links will be saved in a CSV file.
  • PDF Report: here you can customize your report for your boss or your clients

Now it’s time to build backlinks. For most people, building high-quality backlinks is a daunting challenge. You need to spend time and sometimes money to get new links! However, if you have an easier way to know where and how to get those links, wouldn’t that be awesome!

That’s what SEOprofiler does. It shows you how to find potential link partners, bloggers, and sites that are willing to link to your site. You will be able to uncover many great link opportunities in a few seconds.

SEOprofiler has some powerful link-building tools to help you get high-quality backlinks to your site. One of my favorite tools is the “Starter backlinks” tool which helps you find easy backlinks from reputable sources. It saves you hours of time that would be spent surfing the web.

the "Starter backlinks" tool helps you find easy backlinks from reputable sources. It saves you hours of time that would be spent surfing the web.

As you can see, the “Starter backlinks” tool is showing me 781 easy backlinks that I get. These are reputable sources with a high influence score. You can filter and sort these sources as you need. For example, you can filter by category, country, language, LIS (Link Influence Score), and type (free or paid sites).

Categories include Article directories, Award directories, Blog directories, Content sites, E-book directories, Free resources, Infographics directories, Job sites, Podcast directories, Presentation directories, Press release sites, Questions & answer sites, Shopping directories, Social media sites, Social news sites, Software directories, Startup sites, Video sites, and many more.

Here is an overview of all the backlink-building tools that you will get:

  • SEOprofiler has some powerful link building tools to help you get high-quality backlinks to your siteLink manager: this will help you keep track of the backlinks that you build. You can add one or multiple links at once. For each link, you can assign a link status and contact status as well as add a link source and write your notes.
  • Link Influencer: This tool helps you find relevant websites that are willing to link to other sites. It shows the sites that link to at least two of the top-ranked sites for a keyword. These linking sites are influential and they are willing to link to other sites. Find backlink gaps with this tool (websites that link to competitors but not to your site) and use it to get more relevant backlinks.
  • Keyword Domain Finder: this tool lets you search more than 500 million domain names and enables you to find potential link partners, bloggers, and business leads in seconds for your target keywords in any niche. For example, if your website is about travel, you might want to search for ‘travel blog’, ‘travel insurance’, or ‘travel news’. You will get many domains that are related to that topic. Links from these websites will have a positive influence on the search engine rankings of your own website. Many of these websites can also be good business partners, and/or they can blog about your website.
  • Link Opportunity Finder: here you can find more potential link partners and you can easily add them to the link manager. You start by entering a short keyword that is related to the topic of your website. Then you choose a site category (link submission sites, directories, blogs, forums, or others). The tool will then suggest many refining keywords and suggestions and with a few clicks, you will find thousands of backlink opportunities.
  • Starter Backlinks: as I explained earlier this tool is one of my favorites and it helps you get some easy links from reputable sources that you’ve probably never thought about before. Most of them are free as well.
  • Local Hubs: If your business targets a local audience then it is important that your website is listed on local search engines and other websites with a local focus. This tool helps you submit your website to the top local hubs including Google, Yahoo, Bing, Foursquare, Yelp, Citysearch, and many others. This has several advantages for your business including better search engine indexing, more visitors, easier to get found for local searches, and it also helps prevent spammers from hijacking your company name.
  • Link Opportunities: SEOprofiler makes it even easier by showing you the link opportunities based on the competitors that you enter in your watchlist on the project overview page so without you having to do any search you will see the pages that point to your competitors and you can filter them down as you need. Many of those pages could also link to your own site. These link opportunities are also updated each month so you’ll always get the most relevant data.

4) Optimize Web Pages

SEOprofiler can help you optimize your pages to get page one rankings (top 10) on search engines for your keywords. It will give you a detailed report for things you need to optimize on your website plus some additional SEO instructions. From how to write content for SEO and how to improve readability to creating rich results (structured data) and improving the look of your website in Google’s search results.

The Top 10 Optimizer helps you to get page one rankings on search engines for your keywords.

Top 10 Optimizer: the main goal of this tool is to help you get to page one on search engines for your keywords. How it works:

  1. Enter the page for which you want to have high rankings.
  2. Enter the search term for which you want to be found.
  3. Select the country in which you want to be ranked.
  4. (Optional) Enter the high-ranking comparison pages or let SEOprofiler pull them automatically.
SEOprofiler - You have to improve your page

The Top 10 Optimizer will then show you if your page meets the requirements for a top ranking for the search term and tell you what you need to improve on your page. You will get a score that represents how easy or hard it is to get your page in the top 10 results.

How to get your page in the top 10 results? You will need to improve the elements that are marked in your report until you get a 95% score or more. Once your page gets a 95% score, it usually takes a maximum of 4 weeks until you can see your page on the first results page for the search term you chose.

The report  will have detailed suggestions for the things you need to do (if any) for all of the following:

Link Building

  • Anchor texts of backlinks
  • Number of backlinks
  • Quality of backlinks

Page Optimization

  • Keyword use in the body text
  • Keyword use in the page title
  • Keyword use in H1-H6 headlines
  • Keyword use in bold body text
  • Keyword use in the meta description
  • Keyword use in the same domain anchor texts
  • Keyword use in the alternative texts for images

URL Optimization

  • Keyword use in the root domain name
  • Keyword use in the subdomain name
  • Keyword use in the URL path

Site Optimization

  • Domain age

Search Engine Compatibility

  • Search engine compatibility of your page

The Top 10 Optimizer is just one of the many useful tools under the Optimize Web pages section in SEOprofiler. Here is an overview of the other tools that you will get:

  • SEOprofiler - Optimize your pages for top 10 rankings on google
    Readability checker:
    Google determines the reading level of your web pages and uses it in the ranking algorithm. This tool will use two of the most popular formulas to calculate a reading ease score for your website.
  • Rich Results Creator: this tool helps you create JSON-LD structured data markup code that you can include on your web pages. That code will be used for ‘rich results’ on Google’s search results pages. That will improve the look of your website in Google’s search results (view examples). All you need to do is to choose the type of markup you want to create and enter some data about your website, then the Rich Results Creator will create the code that you need to copy on your web page. Also, there is a way to preview the structured data inside that tool.

5) Find Keywords

Keywords are the cornerstone of successful website promotion. Choosing the right keywords will help your business get many new customers. The tools in SEOprofiler help you find these keywords.

The keyword research tools in SEOprofiler will help you:

  • Find keyword ideas and suggestions
  • Find keywords that your competitors use
  • Find the most relevant keywords of a page
  • Collect and manage all keywords in one place
  • Create targeted long-tail keywords
  • Create keyword combinations on which you can bid on Google Ads and other PPC providers
  • Search and replace words in your keyword lists
  • Remove unwanted characters from your keyword lists
  • Sort your keywords to make your lists clearer
  • Make your keyword lists ready to use for Google Ads
  • Remove potentially offensive and erotic words from your keywords list. It recognizes more than 4,500 expressions in English and German
  • Quickly create different match-type options for Google Ads
  • Create Negative keyword lists for Google Ads
    and much more!

The keyword suggestion tool in SEOprofiler supports 72 countries and languages which is very impressive! You can select the country & the language for which you want to get keyword suggestions, and that gives you more targeted data.

For each keyword, you will get:

  • The average number of monthly searches in the country you selected
  • Estimated CPC (cost-per-click) bid for the Google search network
  • Competition, whether the competition is low (0%) or high (100%) for the keyword.
  • Opportunity, a higher value means it is easy to get high rankings for a keyword and that the keyword will send a good amount of visitors to your website. The opportunity value is calculated by combining competition, CPC, searches, and the number of words in the keyword.
  • Actions, these are some helpful quick actions for each keyword. For example, you can view the keyword details, add the keyword to the ranking monitor, optimize one of your pages for that keyword, and much more.

You can filter and sort the keyword data by CPC, search volume, competition, opportunity, and so on! Also, you can quickly export the keyword data to a PDF report.

SEOProfiler keyword research and keyword suggestions tool

The keyword suggestion tool in SEOprofiler is one of the keyword research tools under the Find Keywords section. Here is an overview of the other tools that you will get:

  • Keyword Spy: helps you find keywords that your competitors use (keywords for which your competitors rank on Google). You also get the keywords for which your competitors advertise on Google Ads. All you need to do is enter a domain name in the search box and click the ‘Get competitor keywords’ button.
  • WDF Relevant Keywords Analyzer: helps you find the most relevant keywords of a page. Analyze the pages of your competitors with this tool to find which keywords they consider as important. That helps you get new keyword ideas for your own website.
  • Collected keywords: this shows all the keywords that you have collected with the keyword research tools in SEOprofiler. You can edit, add, copy and paste keywords. You can then use this list to optimize your pages for the best-performing keywords as well as use them in your Google ads or PPC campaigns.
  • Long-tail generator: helps you create targeted long-tail keywords. These are those three and four keyword phrases that are very specific to your business or whatever you are selling. Long-tail keywords can help you bring very targeted visitors to your website. They are also great keywords for Google Ads because the cost-per-click for a long-tail keyword is usually lower than the price for a more general keyword.
  • Keyword combinator: use this tool to create different keyword combinations or multiple variations of the same sentence. These variations can be used in your Google Ads and other PPC providers. For example, you can create different variations of your headlines to make your ads more attractive. Also, you will pay less per click if you use these keywords as exact match keywords on Google Ads.
  • Keyword supplementer: use this tool to add custom words to your keyword lists. For example, you can add the name of your city to a list of keywords. This enables you to create localized keyword lists with a few mouse clicks. You can also add colors, sizes, and other attributes to your keyword lists. It’s a great way to create segmented keyword lists.
  • Keyword replacer: use this tool to search and replace words in your keyword lists. It can quickly transform a targeted keyword list for one segment into a targeted keyword list for another segment. In other words, this can help you create new keyword lists based on your existing lists which will also help you increase your Ads Quality Score on Google Ads.
  • Keyword fixer: use this tool to clean up your keywords list. It converts all keywords to lower case, removes additional spaces, unwanted characters, and duplicates. You can sort keywords alphabetically and make them ready to use for Google Ads.
  • Offensive words cleaner: use this tool to remove keywords that could be offensive (e.g. “bitch”) and erotic words (e.g. “striptease”) from your keywords list (help make sure you don’t accidentally use offensive words in your ads). It recognizes more than 4,500 expressions in English and German.
  • Google Ads match type creator: this tool enables you to quickly create different match type versions of your keywords for Google Ads. All you need to do is enter your keywords, and choose a match type option (exact match, phrase match, or negative match) and this tool will view the created match type keywords so you can easily copy them.
  • Negative keywords: this tool helps you create a negative keywords list with a few clicks so you can lower your Google Ads costs. All you need to do is to “select a negative keyword topic” (for ex: car dealers, retail sites, repair services, travel sites, ..etc) and your negative keywords list will be automatically created for you. If you don’t want to select a topic, it can generate a negative keyword list for nearly every site.
  • Americanizer & Britainiser: this allows you to convert your keyword lists from American English to British English and vice versa. Sometimes this is helpful to address new markets or to localize keyword lists to get better results.
  • Ad group focus score calculator: Is your keyword list targeted enough to get a high-Quality Score? If your keyword lists, your ads, and your landing pages are closely related, your campaigns will get a high Google Ads Quality score and you will pay less for your Google Ads ads (very important). This tool calculates the ad group focus score and tells you how focused your keyword group is on a single topic which will save you time and money on Google Ads.

SEOProfiler Pricing & Plans:

The Standard plan can check up to 1500 keywords rankings per day and the audit tool can check up to 20,000 pages of your websites. With this plan, you can have up to 10 projects (websites), and one user, and you can create standard reports (cannot create client reports in your company design). The Standard plan should be enough for most people unless you have a huge amount of pages or you plan to use SEOprofiler to work on multiple projects for your clients.

The Smart plan can check up to 3000 keywords rankings per day and the audit tool can check up to 50,000 pages of your websites. With this plan, you can have up to 50 projects (websites), and 5 users, and you can create white-label reports (client reports on your company design or logo), plus you will get access to the link disinfection tool (helps you identify bad links that point to your websites). The Smart plan is a great choice if you have a huge number of pages to analyze or if you are an agency that wants to use SEOprofiler for your clients.

The Professional plan can check up to 7500 keywords rankings per day and the audit tool can check up to 150,000 pages of your websites. With this plan, you can have up to 150 projects (websites), and 15 users, and you can create white-label reports (client reports on your company design or logo), plus you will get access to the link disinfection tool. It’s a good choice for large agencies with many projects.

Switch to the yearly plans and you’ll save big!
The Standard plan normally costs $69.95/month, the Smart costs $99.95/month, and the professional plan costs $249.95/month!

With the yearly plans, you will get a discount of 33% (equals four months for free) which will drop the prices to only $46/month for the standard plan, $65/month for the Smart plan, and $164/month for the professional plan. Remember you can try SEOprofiler Smart plan + get four months free!

SEOProfiler Pros and Cons:


  • SEOProfiler provides comprehensive SEO analysis.
  • It offers numerous keyword research tools to help users optimize their content for search engines.
  • It has a simple, user-friendly interface for managing campaigns and tracking progress over time.
  • It helps identify potential link opportunities and technical problems that may affect rankings.
  • It has automated reporting capabilities so users can easily keep track of their website performance and progress.
  • SEOProfiler Pricing is affordable compared to similar premium SEO tools like SEMrush.


  • It can be quite expensive depending on the plan purchased.
  • There is a learning curve to using all the features available in SEOProfiler however, it provides step-by-step instructions.
  • The support team is not available 24/7.
  • Not all features are available in all plans.

Conclusion: Is SEOProfiler Worth the money?

Yes, I think that SEOprofiler is well worth the money. It’s an all-in-one SEO platform with loads of useful tools that cover every SEO aspect of your website. It has a very clean and well-organized interface and it’s very easy to use (you don’t need to be an SEO expert to use SEOprofiler because everything is well-explained and you get step-by-step instructions with each tool). I have tried other SEO tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs and I think that SEOprofiler provides more features, is easier to use, and is an overall complete tool. Plus, it’s cheaper than its competitors.

I have used SEOprofiler extensively for my clients and they love it. I love how everything is organized and the fact that you can customize your reports for your clients is great! You can use this tool to help provide SEO services, help people optimize their websites for search engines, and make money this way! Remember you will need the Smart plan in order to do that and you can try it for free here.

SEOProfiler Alternatives

In conclusion, since SEOProfiler is currently not available. I recommend that you check out SERanking as an alternative. It offers great SEO features, an accurate SEO database, and good value for the money. Also, it has cheaper pricing, similar to what SEOProfiler used to have.

If money is not a problem and you want the best SEO tool on the market, check out SEMRush. You can not go wrong with this tool. It has been used and recommended by most SEO professionals. However, it’s more expensive compared to SERanking.

SEOProfiler FAQs

What is SEOProfiler?

SEOprofiler is a web application that helps you to get higher rankings on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. It provides a complete set of SEO tools to help you improve your website SEO profile.

Is it safe to use SEOProfiler to improve ranking? Is it Blackhat SEO?

SEOProfiler follows Google’s SEO guidelines. You will get SEO tools that are intended to help you optimize your website for search engines and increase rankings organically. No black hat techniques are being used.

How good is SEOProfiler Vs. Semrush?

SEOprofiler offers a better value for the money. It offers many features that other tools don’t offer. If Semrush offers a similar feature, it is more likely that you do not get as much information as in SEOprofiler. Check the full comparison of SEOprofiler to other SEO tools here.

How much does SEOprofiler cost?

The Standard plan normally costs $69.95/month, the Smart costs $99.95/month, and the professional plan costs $249.95/month! With the yearly plans, you will get a discount of 33% (equals four months for free). Remember you can try SEOprofiler Smart plan here.

Does SEOProfiler have a FREE trial?

Yes, you can try SEOProfiler smart plan free for one week. If you cancel your plan during the first week, the trial period will not be reduced and you will not be billed at all! You can cancel at any time.

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